Malayalam Typing Software Free Download

Thank you for your interest in evaluating C-DAC's products. We are pleased to offer free evaluations of our main products to help you with your buying decision. Here are some key points about downloading evaluation software.

Malayalam Typing software, free download For Mac

Malayalam Typing is a free app developed to type Malayalam language fast and easily. Unfortunately Windows Phone doesn't provide Malayalam keyboard for its user, this app is dedicated for Great Malayalees who are interested to write Malayalam in their windows phone.

Malayalam Typing software, free download

Tools & Software


  • वार्षिक हिन्दी पत्रिका 'अभिव्यक्ति' के 12वें अंक (वर्ष-2020) के डिजिटल एडिशन (File Format: .pdf, File Size: 2035 MB, Updated on: 22/2/2021)
  • Results Framework Document (File Format: .pdf, File Size: 525 KB, Updated on: 24/2/2015)
  • 2014- 2015(File Format: .pdf, File Size: 24.4 MB, Updated on: Nov-Dec 2015)
  • 2013- 2014 (File Format: .pdf, File Size: 16.1 MB, Updated on: October-November)
  • High Performance Computing,Grid & Cloud Computing (File Format: .pdf, File Size: 4.69 MB, Updated on: 22/02/2015)
  • Multilingual Computing & Heritage Computing (File Format: .pdf, File Size: 4.69 MB, Updated on: 22/02/2015)


Madhuri Malayalam Typing software, free download

Malayalam typing software, free download ism

Ism Malayalam Typing software, free download Windows 10

Licensed users of C-DAC products should not download evaluation software in order to upgrade their retail versions. To upgrade your retail software to the latest version, please contact your sales representative for that information.